RTE has developed multi-modal aspects within roundabouts to coexist safely. In the following example projects, make reference to the harmonious accessibility of the various transportation methods, connections, and carrier modes which increase each project’s sustainability and viable mobility choices. Each RTE project has reached the multi-modal goals for the jurisdiction’s selected modes of transportation.
Scott Ritchie successfully implemented the first modern roundabout in the USA with a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Transfer Station with mutually exclusive entry lanes. The two lane bus-only entry paths (adjacent to the roundabout approach lanes) have storage and passing lanes for up to five busses during bus hold over periods (location: Mustang Library, Scottsdale, AZ). With the high density urban environment, an adjacent traffic signal from the Hospital entrance, and busy commercial retail along the corridor, this project stands strong as a great operationally sound intersection improvement demonstrating the flexibility of modern roundabouts.

Multi-modal Downtown CORRIDOR
RTE sees every project as an opportunity to learn, to find new innovations, to invent and reinvent, perpetually refining our art.
This ACEC Award winning redevelopment project transformed Franklin Boulevard from an outdated state highway into a modern urban multi-way boulevard that safely serves pedestrians, cyclists and drivers, and supports public transportation options, including busses. The project will also have a catalytic effect on land redevelopment Springfield’s Glenwood Riverfront District.
RTE fostered a corridor of five roundabouts with unique shapes to match historic bridges and constraints, plan for future roadway connections, and merge business accesses. RTE developed multi-modal facilities including BRT Stations in roundabout entries for Articulating Busses, separated bicycle lanes, mutli-use paths, as well as frontage roads for enhanced operational safety.

Multi-modal RAILROAD
What most will qualify as impossible, RTE sees as a challenge and an opportunity.
This APWA award winning Santa Cruz Beach Area Roundabout project in California consisted of two roundabouts along Pacific Avenue – considered the “Main Street” link between Downtown and the Beach area and the principal gateway to the Wharf and Monterey Bay. The City developed a multi-modal park at the Train Depot as well as the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Visitors Center at these roundabouts.
This astonishing project included the first roundabout in the US with UPRR Railroad track going through the roundabout. The roundabout operations include RR Xing gates for vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. Coupled with a protected bicycle path, oversized ped crossings with high foot traffic, transit stops, dual left turns at a roundabout entry, gated toll booths onto the Fisherman’s Wharf Pier leg of the roundabout, and extreme ROW constraints with local bussinesses and parking, this project was nothing short of a marvel to successfully complete.